How Medicare and Medicaid Partnerships Are Transforming Care
Explore how innovative partnerships between Medicare and Medicaid are improving care for dual-eligible individuals, cutting costs, and preparing for major federal changes by 2030.
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Article Highlights
Using existing policies and programs to integrate Medicaid with Medicare for dually eligible beneficiaries with long-term care needs.
Members of the Coalition for Excellence in Value Based Care at Home partnered with Vesta Healthcare and VNS Health to demonstrate how incremental linkages of Medicaid and Medicare can bring the benefits of value-based care to dually eligible individuals with LTSS need that would otherwise be unavailable, and ultimately build momentum towards enrollment in fully integrated options.
Vesta Healthcare’s partnership with MCOs and homecare agencies provides value for Medicare and Medicaid by creating savings that funds performance-based payments for Medicaid providers.
Extending the benefits of value-based care to homebound individuals.
The separation of Medicaid benefit delivery from the Medicare services complicates risk-contracting and value-based payment reforms, but should not inhibit it. Dually eligible individuals with LTSS need are among the highest acuity, highest cost patients who need the benefits of integration and payment reform the most.
Powering person-centered care planning with value-based care models existing is the key to providing better care at a lower cost for dually eligible individuals with LTSS need.